Minggu, 22 April 2012

Read Infant Formula Ads Tagline Using Structuralism

Today, infant formula ads more creative in marketing their products. Using cute babies (sometimes) with their mothers, and (sometimes) a native man who was dressed as a professors dedicated to make researching about how to increase baby intelligent, it is clear that these things are powerful enough to seduce the mother that one day his child would be very clever, intelligent and healthy.

Not quite up there, audio-visual display in the ad is to upload the eye. I would give an example the ad below

In the ad above, the infant formula producers invite viewers to find out "what the child want?" Not quite up there, the sentence before the tagline (LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE), which reads: LIVING A FULL LIFE ON THE OUTSIDE, STARTS ON THE INSIDE, if we study the ads by structuralism, then we will find a hidden meaning of what it looks: “Our products are able to realize your child's desire for adventure in his/her life. So, if You want to realize the desire please buy our product.”

Now, let's review again further infant formula. An article on infant formula one of them came from the Intisari online by author K. Tatik Wardayati. Here's her review of my copy-paste:

"Infant formula milk when given a lot tend to be obese when they were five years old. This according to a team of researchers from the MRC Childhood Nutrition Research Centre at University College London, UK. The results showed excessive weight in babies can make their own health problems. The risk of developing diseases including heart disease and diabetes. This study found that babies given milk rich in protein, vitamins and other nutrients have fat 22-38% more than the babies who do not." 

The other information about the ban on infant formula instead of breast milk contained in the news in Metronews:

"... in Government Regulation (PP) No. 33/2012 on the Granting of exclusive breast milk which was signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono last March 1, 2012.
"Advertising infant formula inhibit exclusive breast milk feeding programs which very useful for the health of babies," said Director of Nutrition Ministry of Health Minarto in conversation with Media Indonesia, Monday (26/3).
Minarto explained, infant formula products are also prohibited from engaging in activities and to sponsor and infant health services.
"Promoting the guise of donations from manufacturers of infant formula in the baby-related events are also not allowed," he said.
The practice of providing samples of infant formula products, including providing brochures in pregnant women, mothers giving birth out, health professionals, according to Minarto, also taboo by the PP. Besides health care facilities must be clean of any form of advertising and promotional activities of infant formula.
Despite the PP has been signed by the President, Minarto explained, until now the full content of PP has not he had received. "So there is no possibility of opening force. Usually when it applies officially announced," he explained."

Thus, it is clear in the ads infant formula products (one of which I demonstrated above) contains a sweet dream for young mothers, but in Infant Formula itself there were things that mothers should avoid for the sake of the child. Using structuralism make us are able to dissect the secrets of what it seems. As presented by Ali Maksum in his book (Pengantar Filsafat Dari Masa Klasik Hingga Postmodernism), structuralists do a search of a "hidden structure" located below the 'surface look' of a phenomenon.

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